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Course Details

Course Image 4 year In Computer Science Engineering

  • Fee 0
  • Periods 500
Semester 1
Subject Subject Details Periods
English 10
Applied Physics 10
Mathematics I 10
Computers and Information Technology 10
Engineering Drawing Practice 10
Semiconductor Devices and Circuits 10
C & Data Structures 10
Semester 2
Subject Subject Details Periods
Mathematics II 10
Data Processing 10
Discrete Structures 10
Linear and Digital IC Applications 10
Logic Theory 10
Managerial Economics and Accountancy 10
IC Application 10
Semester 3
Subject Subject Details Periods
Computer Organization 10
Electrical Technology 10
Probability and Statistics 10
Operating Systems 10
Object-Oriented Programming 10
Design and Analysis of Algorithms 10
Semester 4
Subject Subject Details Periods
Interfacing Through Microprocessors 10
Data Communications 10
Operations Research 10
Theory of Computation 10
System Programming 10
Principles of Programming Languages 10
Semester 5
Subject Subject Details Periods
Computer Architecture 10
Neuro-Fuzzy 10
Data Structures and Algorithms 10
Database Information System 10
Data Mining 10
Computer Network 10
Semester 6
Subject Subject Details Periods
Artificial Intelligence 10
Wireless Network 10
Implementation of Programming Languages 10
Compiler Design 10
Computer Graphics 10
Information Storage Management 10
Semester 7
Subject Subject Details Periods
Software Engineering 10
Java Programming 10
Distributed Systems 10
Image Processing 10
Neural Networks 10
Visual Programming 10
Simulation and Modeling 10
Semester 8
Subject Subject Details Periods
Mobile Computing 10
Pattern Recognition 10
Formal Languages and Automata Theory 10
Project Management 10
Computer Communication 10